13 Sales Call Script Templates to Convert Cold to Warm Leads

Sales reps are no strangers to cold calls that result in rude encounters and low conversion rates.

Search any online forum, and you’ll see people complaining that they’re tired of all the “pitch slaps” and wish sales reps left them alone. As much as people seem to hate it, cold calling is not dead.

A Rain Group report found that 70% of sellers successfully connect with potential buyers via phone. This is especially true if you sell to higher-level executives like Vice Presidents or C-suite executives.

To help you make better sales calls in 2024, we’ve created a list of 13 sales call script templates to get the conversations flowing. In addition, we also spoke to experienced sales leaders to gather tips on how to make this process work for you.

13 sales call script templates to get some conversations rolling

Here are 14 sales call script templates to ease the burden of cold calling:

1. When you want to introduce a new solution

When to use this template:

This script works for existing customers who might already be familiar with your solution or prospects who fit the same ICP as current customers.


“Hi, I’m Alice from Content Camel! How’re you doing today? I’m reaching out as we’re launching a [mention solution] for businesses like yours that are [mention pain point].

Do you have 5 minutes to learn more about this?”

If the prospect responds positively, take it further:

“How are you currently managing your department’s [process/workflow relevant to your solution]?”

Let the prospect answer first and respond:

“Many of our clients were also facing a similar issue. You can use our solution to [mention one or two solutions that solve the same pain point]. Based on what I’ve learned about your company, [your solution] would be a great fit. I’m happy to send more details via email. Would that be okay?”

If the prospect says yes, ask them for their email and end the call using this script:

“Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. I’ll send the details by [time] today, and if you’d like to explore further, feel free to book a call with me using the link in the email. Have a great day!"

Why it works:

It takes a direct approach to the conversation and encourages the prospect to open up about their challenges. It lets you tailor the solution to their problem—piquing their interest.

2. When you want to leave a voicemail

When to use this template: If you’re cold calling someone, there’s a good chance they’ll be busy or might cut your call. You must be prepared to tackle this if you get forwarded to voicemail. Take advantage of the opportunity to get connected.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]. I’m [your name] from [company], and I’d love to chat with you about your needs for a [your solution].

We’ve helped companies like [mention companies in the same industry] improve their [include the solution’s outcome]—and can do the same for you. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out at [your phone number] and in the meantime, I’ll email you the details.


Why it works: It’s short and straightforward. If your prospect is genuinely interested in your solution, you’ve given them enough to explore it. The follow-up email can be more personalized and warm as you’ve already had one touchpoint with the prospect.

3. When you want to set up a demo call

When to use this template: If you’re sure about the problem that your prospect is facing (typically an issue you see with customers from the same industry/role). Alternatively, if you have buying intent data, use this.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]! I’m [your name] from [company]. Do you have 5 minutes to spare?

I’ve reached out as I noticed that your company is in [category], and I imagine that [pain point or challenge] is an issue you might be facing. We solve for that at [company].

Many of our customers who were facing a similar problem were able to [provide tangible benefit] in [timeframe]. Would you like to schedule a 20-minute demo call to see how it works?”

If the prospect answers positively:

“We can schedule it for [provide 3 time slots within the next week]. I’ll send you an invite with the brochure for our solution. Thanks!”

If the prospect responds negatively:

“I understand that you might want to explore our solution first. Would you like me to send a brochure or demo video for [specific feature that pertains to the pain point]? I can send it via email right after our call.”

Why it works: It gets straight to the point and can be a good hook for a prospect who’s dealing with the problem you solve.

4. When you want to set up an initial meeting

When to use this template: Use this when you already have some usage data from a customer and think they might want to upgrade. Or if you’re going to generate more appointments for your offer.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]! This is [your name] from [company], and I’ve been following your work at [prospect’s company name]. Do you have 5 minutes to spare?

I’ve noticed that individuals in your [market/role] face [common pain points based on research]. As [prospect’s company name] is planning to [mention relevant goals like growth in revenue, headcount, etc.] this year—I’m sure our solution can help.

Would you like a quick 20-minute chat to see how we can help?

I can meet you on [provide 2 options]. If not, I’m flexible as per your availability.”

Why it works: This works because you’re using a specific pain point they might struggle with. In this case, we recommend heavily studying the company before calling, or it’ll seem like you’re making assumptions.

5. When you want to qualify on the first call

When to use this template: This script applies to most calling situations—but more so when your prospect is more willing to engage on the call.


“Hello, [prospect’s name]. I’m [your name] from [company]. How’re you doing today?

I’m reaching out as I noticed your company is [qualifying buying triggers like headcount growth]. We specialize in [core offer] and could support [prospect’s company] this year. Would that be of interest?"

If the prospect says no, thank them for their time and end the call.

If the prospect says yes:

“Currently, we offer [offer 2 to 3 options based on your offer] for companies such as yours. Which one of these would interest you the most?"

Ask one or two qualifying questions to keep the call short and reduce any mental load on the prospect. For example, at Content Camel, we might ask questions like:

“May I ask how you’re currently storing your content assets?”

“How does your team currently collaborate with sales teams using a shared drive?”

After the prospect confirms, explain how your solution solves this issue or ask them to book a demo. Remember to thank them for their time.

Why it works: The problem with cold calling is that, at some level, you might be making assumptions about your prospects. To avoid chasing ill-fit leads, add one or two qualifying questions to go after the right people. Use existing sales calls to get that data and craft a dialed-in question to improve the qualification process.

But also make sure you’ve done your research before the call. Chris Marin, co-founder and CEO of Convert AI, a lead generation software, recommends doing this to come up with more tailored questions.

“For instance, ‘How long have you been in business?’ You can look up that date very clearly on CrunchBase or LinkedIn. Then you can say, well, ‘Mr/Ms. CEO, I see you’ve been in business since 2015 and your headcount increased by 30% in the last year alone! I see that you’re moving and shaking over there…’”

“That way, instead of asking ten questions, you can ask five and you’ll be trusted and more seen as an authority and business experience. And it shows implicitly that you have the business acumen and that you can be consultative and that they will listen and trust you.”

6. When you realize you have the wrong contact

When to use this template: You can use this when you realize you have the wrong contact on the call or hope to get the right contact from an internal team member.


“Hi! I’m [name] from [company]. I’m reaching out as I’m looking to connect with someone at [prospect’s company] who handles [specific department or process]. We help businesses like yours do [specific outcome] using [your solution]. Would you be the right person to discuss this with?”

Once the prospect confirms that it’s not them, ask them who the right contact is and how you can get in touch:

“Oh, thank you for letting me know. If it’s not too much trouble, would you point me in the right direction? Could you let me know who the best contact is for this purpose? Thank you!”

Why it works: In cases where you can’t get the contact data for the right prospect, you can call someone whose information is available. They’ll be more likely to refer you internally if it’s of value.

7. When you want to get past the gatekeeper

When to use this template: Most executives have gatekeepers like executive assistants or managers who take calls on their behalf. Use this script to get past them and reach the decision-makers.


“Hi, [gatekeeper’s name]. How’re you doing? I’m calling from [company] and trying to reach [prospect’s name]. What’s the best way to reach them?"

In some cases, the gatekeeper might put you through, but if they need more details, use this script:

“We’ve noticed some interest in our solution and have been successful in helping similar companies reach [mention growth goals]. I wanted to discuss a few options to help [prospect’s company] achieve similar success.

Offer your contact details if they ask for them, and let them know your availability.

Why it works: It gives the gatekeeper the context they need to put you through. In this case, be prepared to offer extra context with intent data to get through to them.

8. When you want to appeal to a specific role

When to use this template: Your solution will typically be tailored to a specific role—depending on whether they’re an end user, influencer, or decision maker. It’s best to create separate templates for different roles to make it easier to keep the conversation going.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]! I’m [name] from [company]. How’re you doing today?

I’m calling because we have a [solution to a common problem the ICP faces]. As a [role], I’m sure you’re constantly dealing with [pain points] at work. And that’s what we help with.

Would you be interested in learning more?”

Why it works: If you’ve done your research—not just on the prospect but on your ICP and existing customers, you’ll have a clear idea of their challenges. In this case, you can use that data to craft a hyper-personalized pitch to get them to engage with you.

9. When you want to get past the “no time to talk” issue

When to use this template: Prospects are busy. There’s a good chance they might use it to avoid engaging further. You could get past this objection using this script.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]. This is [name] from [company], and I’m reaching out regarding our [solution] for [ICP]. Is now a good time to speak?

When the prospect says no, use this script:

“No worries at all! Would it be okay for me to call you back on [day and time] instead? In the meantime, I’m happy to offer some information via email.”

Why it works: Instead of losing the prospect, you keep them engaged and give them a definitive option to stay in touch. This way, they’ll be more open to listening to you the next time you call or email them.

10. When you want to provide value straight away

When to use this template: If you’ve just launched a large content campaign that acts as sales enablement content, use this approach. It’s best to try it with people already engaging with your content—for example, via social media or email. Just use the appropriate channel, not necessarily a phone call.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]. I’m [name] calling from [company], and I’m reaching out to offer you something that would be of immediate value to you.

We noticed a [trend or niche observation] amongst our customers and created a report addressing these challenges. It breaks down [mention what the report includes] and offers practical takeaways on [solutions it offers].

Would you be interested in reading it?

There’s no catch—just trying to offer something that might be useful since you’ve been engaging with our content. Let me know the best email to send this to you.”

Why it works: Instead of getting pitch slapped, your prospect will find this useful in their job. It’ll keep you top of mind when they do need your solution.

11. When you want to generate more user referrals

When to use this template: Your customers have indicated that they’re satisfied with your product and are in a position to refer your offer to more people.


“Hey, [customer’s name]. This is [name] from [company]. How have you been doing?

I’ve noticed that you recently [increased product usage/left a review/extended contract], and I’m glad to see that!

Would you know anyone in your circle who could benefit from our solution, too? As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering [mention incentive] for every referral you bring.

If that’s the case, feel free to put them in touch with me at [phone number/email] or let me know the best way to reach them.

Thank you so much!”

Why it works: It’s short and focuses on them—their buying experience and an incentive to sweeten the deal.

12. When you want to follow up with a prospect

When to use this template: You can use this template whenever you have to follow up on a cold call or email. The context must be specific to the last interaction, so check your CRM notes before following up.


“Hi, [prospect’s name]. I’m calling from [company]. How’re you doing today?

We spoke [last time of contact] about how our [offer] could help [prospect’s company] and improve [specific goal]. Were you able to [include the next step they mentioned in the last interaction]?

I’m happy to share more information or offer a 20-minute demo to take you through our product. I’d love to show you how [similar company] achieved [specific results] using our solution.”

Why it works: The success of the sales lies in the follow-up. Not every prospect is going to convert after the first call. Using this script to remind them of the previous interaction keeps the conversation moving forward.

13. When you want to get past a prospect’s objection

When to use this template: You come across a common objection you’re prepared for. Typically, sales reps have a list of objections based on call data—so use this script in tandem with the objection and corresponding solution.


“I understand that [mention the objection] is a common concern for individuals in your position. But we’ve seen many companies succeed after working with us.

For instance, [mention similar company] was able to see [specific results and timeframe], and they were ROI-positive within [mention timeframe].

On the other hand, we could also explore options like [mention packages or customized services you offer] to get you started first. Would you like to learn more about that?”

Why it works: This approach does two things: it shows them you’re aware of their concern, and you’ve also prepared necessary solutions. It also gives them slight control over the process, and they don’t feel forced into sticking to a pre-packaged solution.

5 tips to conduct effective sales calls

Now that you have a set of script templates in hand, here’s a list of tips to help you make better cold calls:

1. Take the time to research your prospect

Knowing your prospect’s name and company doesn’t cut it anymore. You’ll need to go much deeper if you plan to engage them at some level during the call. According to LinkedIn’s report, 82% of top performers always take the time to research, as opposed to only 46% of lesser-performing reps.

Billy McGee, DevOps product advocate at Kosli recommends looking at a prospect’s website and LinkedIn page:

“It’s important to understand the general nature of the business and the prospects, roles and responsibility in that business. Then try to find the components of both their profile, specific work history, language they use describing their role, whatever seems to stand out as important, relevant and unique. Also, learn the tagline of the business. That way you can casually drop it in the conversations and it’ll resonate as something familiar.”

These days, with tools like Apollo or Lemlist, there are many ways in which you can find out more about your prospect’s:

  • Demographics
  • Buying intent
  • Firmographics
  • Technographics
  • Exagraphics
  • Purchasing capacity
  • Engagement patterns

So, use that data to meet them where they are. Learn more about the company’s history, your prospect’s role and responsibilities, and any common challenges in their industry/role. You can review their LinkedIn profile or the company’s website.

This data will let you tailor the pitch and open with a specific hook on the call—resulting in better engagement rates.

2. Don’t rush into the qualification process

It’s normal to run through questions from your script if you’re trying to qualify a prospect. You already hate cold calling, and when you have a list of 50 prospects to get through the day, it’s not surprising at all. But that could kill your conversion rates.

Instead, start with something as simple as asking them how they are. A study by Gong found that asking a prospect, “How’ve you been?” can increase your chances of success by 6.6 times.

It disarmors them and shows you’re interested in the prospect and treat them as human beings—not just another name on a sheet. You could also ask them specific questions about themselves based on something you found during your research.

“Questions about the prospect are great openers because people enjoy talking about themselves,” says McGee. “Once you have established some rapport, then go into a relevant story, keep it quick and maintain the classic scene structure with a clear payoff.”

“Use the story as a launchpad to help the prospect envision a different future for themselves and you will earn the opportunity to continue the sales process and earn more time and an engaged ear, because of the power of story.”

3. Mention the length of the call to set expectations

The same study by Gong found that reps who state the reason for their call see 2.1x higher conversion rates. It’s a matter of courtesy, too.

Nobody wants to spend time on a call that wastes their time. If you have something of value to sell to the person on the other end, you’ll need to frame it that way.

A simple statement like, “Do you have 10 minutes to discuss how we can help you [your solution’s benefit]?” or “Hi, [name]. How’ve you been? I’m calling because…” goes a long way in preparing the receiver.

4. Use any leverage you have to get the conversation going

Whether you’ve come through a referral or are a part of the same LinkedIn group, mention it early in the conversation. This significantly increases your chances of hooking the prospect.

It also adds credibility to the conversation and instantly warms up the call. Just make sure you don’t lie and always have the right prospect on the call, or else it could backfire.

For instance, when McGee was selling software to event planners, he would use the analogy of baking a cake to implement the software.

“I would reference the different ingredients as an analogy to different assets and data they would enter into the software,” he says. “We would then choose the flavor and style of the cake, then help them imagine the timeline to build and deployment as placing it in the oven with a timer. If the prospect said the software sounded delicious, I knew we were well on the way to a closed win sale!”

5. Don’t be pushy, be polite on the call

The way you approach the conversation will significantly influence the outcome. If you’re going to take an aggressive route where you’re talking a lot without actually listening to your prospect, you will lose the sale and annoy them to the point where they’ll never do business with you.

“While it’s OK to be challenging and rise to an objection, the number one quality of a successful sales person is emotional intelligence and equanimity in the face of emotional turmoil,” emphasizes McGee. “By rigging above and exuding positivity the sales rep can earn the respect of the most grumpy prospect.”

Instead, take a helpful and polite approach. For example, a Reddit user mentions using this script to get through to decision-makers.

“Hey, my name is [sales rep’s name]. I was hoping you could help me. We’ve been improving (…) who do I speak to about this?

It works because people feel the need to help others, and it sounds more genuine and to the point as opposed to pushy sales tactics like “Hi, have you heard of solution X?”

Show that you’re there to help, not just to sell.

Use the right sales call script to improve your conversions

Sales call scripts are an effective way to prepare yourself for the dreaded calls you’re about to make. It’s easy to forget what you must discuss or how to tackle a specific objection.

But with these scripts, you can take a more consultative approach while having a “backup,” so to speak, to prevent you from falling on your face.

It’s important to note that these scripts are not meant to lock you into a certain approach. Always use your experience and judgment to direct the conversation in the way you want it to go. They’re merely a guide to help you—not a tool that dictates how you approach each conversation.

By creating such scripts, you can empower junior sales reps to make better cold calls while senior reps can riff off of them—leading to better outcomes for the team.